clinic refurb


Design & Decoration0%


  • taken over a very tired, dated and unloved medical clinic, which had not been given any attention in seemingly a decade.
  • removed all flooring, fixtures and sink units in each consulting room.

  • new paint, hardwood floors and a lot of love.
  • decorated to fit in with the current tenants bringing a mix of warmth and comfort to this children’s centre.

the story

out with the laminate, kitchen unit, sink, facet and worktop and time for an upgrade

the neglected bathroom in need of an uplift.

the original interior – dark, damp, mouldy and old.  hard to tell what the original colour of the carpet was.

adding colour to the rooms as well as a whiteboard wall.

bringing the rooms to life and focusing on adding that family comfort feeling and giving each room a theme. this being the rainbow room.

the castle room came to life with the bespoke castle doors.

the jungle room adding it’s unique flair with loads of colour.